Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29

salm 85
The 85th Psalm is a prayer recalling God's past forgiveness. It marvels at many of God's attributes. "Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for he will speak peace to his people..." The "peace" referred to is not necessarily an absence of war but freedom from internal turmoil. I recall the story of a king who awarded a prize for the greatest piece of artwork symbolizing "peace." Artists from throughout his realm presented marvelous works of art. The king narrowed his selection down to two pieces. One was a pastoral scene with a field of grain, blue skies, beautiful clouds. You could almost feel the gentle summer breeze as you studied the painting. The other work of art was also a painting but unlike the first one it was of a rocky coastline with angry crashing stormy waves, and dark lightening streaked skies.In the corner of the picture about midway down a steep cliff was a small outcropping containing a scraggy little tree. If you looked at the tree closely you saw that nestled in its branches as a tiny bird's nest. Sitting on the nest was a mother bird, hunkered down on her eggs. She was unaffected by storm swirling around her. It was the second painting that the king declared the winter because he understood that true peace is not the absence of storms but contentment in the midst of swirling turmoil.
Verses 10 and 11 celebrate the coming together of holy love and faithfulness, righteousness and peace, faithfulness and righteousness. They are God's promises that are fulfilled when peace reigns in our hearts. How do we recognize this peace? One way may be by keeping a "thanks" journal. At either the beginning or the end of a day, reflect upon and give thanks for at least 5 things for which you are thankful, for instances of God's grace in your life. It will open your eyes to God's work in your life and in this world.

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