Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week of June 12: Guest Blogger Denise Hartnett

n today’s reading from 1Chronicles we find David ready to bring the Ark of God to a place that had been prepared for it in Jerusalem. But this time he is going to do it the way God had instructed the Ark to be moved. God had given specific instructions to Moses and the people of Israel (Numbers 4:5-15) that only a Levite was to carry the Ark of God. In our reading, two chapters before, we find God striking down Uzzah, ( who was not a Levite), for just trying to steady the Ark when the Ox stumbled. I find it hard to understand sometimes God’s reasons for striking down people. I would have probably done the same thing as Uzzah, it seems that trying to steady this Holy Ark of God would be the natural thing to do if you thought it was going to fall.

But we don’t always follow the instructions that God give us the correct way. Sometimes our focus is not completely on God, or we haven’t taken the time to listen to what God is really trying to say to us, or we simply forget how Holy our God is. Our vision becomes what we think God wants us to do. We rush into things not really listening to God. We think we have it all worked out but we really only see part of what God is trying to tell us.

I find myself like David sometimes, ready to do what I think God wants me to do. Then I realize how great God is, how Holy God is, and how important it is to hear and know the word of our Lord. To put total obedience and trust in a Holy God who’s wisdom is always complete. .

One thing that I do know is that God’s wisdom is always complete. In 1 Chronicles 16:36 all the people shouted “Amen!” and praised the Lord. When David followed the instructions that God had given for moving the Ark of God he and the people with him were able to say “Amen!” When I follow the instructions that God gives me I know how Great and Holy He is and I to praise God and say “Amen”.

June 13

In our reading from Galatians 1, Paul is writing to the churches in Galatia. In his letter he asked them this questions, “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God?”

Paul seems astonished that they can so quickly desert the gospel of Christ. They seem to be changing the gospel to something that is confusing and getting them off track from the true gospel. He writes to the Galatians telling them that he did not receive this revelation from men but Jesus Christ himself. I thought to myself, if Jesus himself would have talked to me on a road like he had done to Paul (Acts 9:4-5) I probably would have had a better grasp of the gospel. It would seem pretty clear that Jesus was the real deal. One day Jesus dies on a cross and then later he is right there talking to me.

All in all as I thought about this chapter it made me wonder how many times does Jesus try to speak to me. How many times have I gotten confused and lost my focus. Do I listen to what others say and believe it because it seems like it makes sense. Do I live and share that gospel in a way that doesn’t confuse others. How often do I share the gospel of Jesus Christ, of a God who loves us so much that he sent his only son to die on a cross. It is through Jesus death and resurrection our sins are forgiven. We are free because of what God has done through Jesus Christ. The same gospel that they were getting confused about back then is right here in front of us. Jesus daily reveals it to us. We just need to remember to share it.

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