Saturday, August 14, 2010

Seeds of Hope

This year at Mountain T.O.P. we focused on the living Spirit of our Father.  How alive and present God is in His world.  How deep within us all, lives the Spirit.  Ready to bear fruit of the kingdom.  Ready to unlock heaven on Earth.  Ready to sow seeds of hope.

Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."  In other words, Hope put off, postponed, left on the back burner, makes the heart sick.  Makes the heart ache.  Makes the heart unhealthy.

Most of the time when talking about hope, we look towards what will happen when we spread it.  Hope will offer peace.  Hope will allow someone to see they are loved by God.  Hope will remind us that suffering is never the end.  Hope will point us to the kingdom.  Hope will offer us trust, courage and strength.

But what happens if we don't spread hope?

Proverbs 13:23 says, "A poor man's field may produce abundant food, but injustice sweeps it away."  

Working with the "poor" living in the seven counties of Mountain T.O.P.'s service area often brings injustice to light.  If God wanted a world where the lion laid with the lamb, then He did not intend for a family to go without a home for months, or a young girl to be deprived of an education.  As we offer reflections of His heart, we strive to destroy the weeds of injustice.  Rather, we strive to paint the image of justice.  Where the hungry are fed, the sick are looked after, and the homeless are clothed.

A month ago I went to the local "Back to School Bash" for residents of Grundy County, the third "poorest" county in the state of Tennessee.  Several organizations shared their information with locals while providing school supplies to families who cannot afford them.  Directly across from my booth sat Serenity Pointe (, giving out free clothes for those who needed new ones.

As people sorted through clothes, I noticed a little girl in front of me.  She had a bright yellow dress on and beautiful brown hair neatly combed into two pigtails.  She couldn't have been more than six years old.  She moved a few items of clothes over, sifting slowly as her little hands didn't offer much strength.  At some point, I became distracted by someone arriving at my booth, so my attention was taken from her for a minute or so.  But when I had the chance to look back, I saw her holding up a new dress with a huge smile on her face.  It brought such joy to my eyes to watch her twirl in excitement.

Shortly after though, I was hit with an unexpected emotion.  A few tears welled in my eyes as I thought beyond the dress.  I thought about all the money we used to spend on new clothes for High School.  How no one at my high school would have dreamed of picking up used clothing for the new school year.  How actually, I was pretty blind to those who did went without new clothes around me.  (Now please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against used clothes... I love thrift store shopping...)  The point being, she had no option.  If I want nice clothes, I can go buy them.  If I want to shop at a thrift store, I can do that too.  But others in this county, in this state, in this country, in this world, are not afforded those opportunities.  And we could argue all day as to whose fault that is or why, but at the end of the day that doesn't matter to me because this question prevails:

What would God's picture of justice look like?

"He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God."  Proverbs 14:31

Though at times we cannot see the fruit of our labor, let us remember that every tiny seed of hope we plant in the life of someone else will become a tree of life.  May we join with Paul in praying, "May God open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.  Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.  Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.  Let you conversation be always full of grace.."  Col. 4:3-6


Samantha Tashman
Mountain T.O.P.
Program Manager—Recruiting and Public Awareness
(931) 692-3999

"From the moment a soul has the grace to know God, she must seek." -Mother Teresa

Mountain T.O.P. is an interdenominational Christian Mission affiliated with the Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church, dedicated to rural life ministry in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee.

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